Video Gallery

Welcome to the Video Gallery! Dive into the world of boomerangs with our collection of educational and entertaining videos. Here, you'll find everything you need to know about boomerangs, from mastering the perfect throw to crafting your very own. Plus, enjoy a selection of fun clips featuring people experiencing the joy of throwing and catching their first boomerang. Whether you're a novice or an enthusiast, our video gallery is your go-to resource for all things boomerang. Happy watching and throwing!

How-To Videos & Tutorials

Tri-Rang Boomerang Throwing Tutorial

Make Your Own Boomerang Tutorial

Hook Boomerang Throwing Tutorial

V-Rang Boomerang Throwing Tutorial

First Throws

Anyone can throw a boomerang! Here are a few of the people we've taught along the way, from here in Michigan all the way to the Scottish Highlands!

Learning to Throw - Scotland 2024

Learning to Throw 2 - Scotland 2024

Future Boomeranger!

First Throw - Michigan 2024

Boomerang Throw Reels

Boomerang Path Tracer